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Phone Number: 07807 429 843

Wasp Pest Control
Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Are you looking for Wasp Pest Control in Stevenage, Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas? If you need help or advice in solving a wasp infestation, get in touch today. Our pest control experts are here to help. Contact our wasp pest control specialist today on 07807 429 843.

Why Are Wasps So Dangerous? 

Wasp Pest Control Stevenage, Hertfordshire

The UK has approximately 7,000 species of wasps. The most common that are in Britain is the European Hornets (Vespa Crabro), the Yellow-Legged Asian Hornets (Vespa Velutina), the Common wasp or German wasp (Vespula Vulgaris/Germanica) and the Red wasp (Vespula Rufa). 

Wasps are highly dangerous, especially in the late summer and early autumn seasons when they have come out of winter hibernation. During this time, they are most territorial and aggressive; they have their wasp nests built and are preparing to protect their young or make honey, and they will use their long stinger to attack anyone when they feel threatened. 

Unlike bees, who often die after their first sting, wasps can repeatedly use their stinger several times. Wasps attack if they believe someone or something is approaching the nest they have spent the spring curating to keep them out. Workers can keep stinging when they are agitated or feel as though they are disturbed during wasp activity, such as scavenging for their young or whilst pollinating. Wasps can get so violent and restless that they will attack potential threats in a colony or in packs, which can be even more deadly. 

Some people are also allergic to wasp stings and can, in turn, suffer from severe reactions that can cause immense harm and result in immediate medical attention. It's best not to risk any wasp attacks; try your best to avoid wasps and any nests you see. 

Once wasps alone or in colonies begin nesting in your yard or inside your home, they can become brutal and dangerous to try and get rid of or kill on your own. We do not advise you to put yourself in this kind of danger by attempting to control this situation, and they could very likely attack you. Seek help from professional pest controllers and exterminators as they will have the correct methods, protective clothing and equipment to handle the job safely.   

Our Wasp Pest Control covers Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire including:

  • Stevenage
  • Letchworth Garden City
  • Luton
  • Leighton Buzzard
  • Hemel Hempstead
  • Welwyn Garden City
  • St Albans
  • Hatfield
  • Hertford
  • Dunstable
  • Bedford
  • Hitchin
  • Royston
  • Biggleswade
  • St Neots
  • Harpenden

Signs of Wasp Nests 

The simplest way to see if there are wasps nest in your home, garden property or general local vicinity is a high volume of wasps activity around you or nearby. Wasps begin choosing their spots and creating their nests in the springtime so that in the summer, their nests are fully mature and contain thousands of wasps. 

As soon as you notice there could be a wasps nest in your location, garden or home when the weather gets warmer, it's best to speak to professionals about a removal. Doing so as soon as possible reduces your risk of wasps perceiving you as a threat and attacking you. It's also vital to remove it as quickly as possible as you may have family or friends who are allergic, and it could put them in painful or life-threatening situations.     

Signs of Wasp Nests Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Wasp Nest Removal 

Wasp Nest Removal in Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Wasp nest removal and treatments are dangerous practices that often require professional, expert attention. When one attempts wasp control or even go near a wasps nest, the wasps inside will see you as a threat and become highly aggressive. 

When wasps are aggressive, especially during certain seasons, they can sting you and others surrounding you in protest of defending their nest and young. 

You do not need to remove the nest to get rid of wasps; however, you must attempt to treat the wasps and nest if you cannot receive an immediate removal.

Reducing the risk of wasp stings to you and your family by allowing and arranging a professional to treat the nest and nesting wasps in the property is an effective solution. 

The solutions they use to treat the nests and those nesting inside will efficiently eliminate the wasps and keep you safe from the threat of stings and the damage stings can cause or reactions they can lead to for some people. Give our business Redtail Pest Control a call to book a treatment or removal. Our BPCA experts can also offer any advice or further information. 

Common types of wasps in the UK 

There are hundreds and thousands of different wasp species all over the UK, even more found all over the world. 

The UK has more than 7,000 various wasps; one of the most common is the Yellow-Legged/Yellowjacket (Vespula Vulgaris). It is a black and stripy species that you often find yourself swatting out of view in your garden. We can estimate that there are at least over 100,000 more species to discover, as they are like beetles in terms of numbers. 

More social breeds of wasp, much like the yellowjacket, represent less than 1% of the whole world's wasp population. Most of them are not yellow and stripy and tend to be a great deal less social, which is why we aren't so akin to seeing them flying our garden or surrounding our picnic tables

Common local wasps are in constant search of nectar, especially during the spring and summer seasons when pollen levels rapidly shoot up. Often wasps in their majority, not just the ones we can find in these seasons buzzing around our heads, are tiny black insects. 

You could easily mistake lesser-known species as flies; the very smallest insects we have come to know is the 'fairyfly' which is indeed a breed of wasp. 

While they are only of a mere 0.14mm and only live for several days, Fairyflies do a tremendous deal for our agriculture. They lay their eggs inside the bodies of crop pests, which allows them to work somewhat like an alternative to chemical pesticides, ridding us of weeds that could destroy essential crops like plants, fruits and vegetables. 

Common types of wasps in the UK

It can often be challenging to tell apart the males and females wasps of their kind. As opposed to being nasty pests, solely seeking to destroy your relaxing time in the garden or park, female wasps focus more heavily on collecting wood pulp for their nest. Female wasps or Queen Bees wasps spend much energy searching for the best spot for their nests in the springtime, and they usually choose spaces like lofts, sheds, trees, and the corners of rooms. 

When they finish building and curating their home and finally have their many larvae, the focus shifts to supplying them with feed like nectar and pollen. The harder the queens work, the more wasps her young will produce and the greater her nest may grow, and her hard-working genes will pass on to her next generation in the following year. Female wasps are much more giant than their male counterparts as they carry the eggs. 

How Do I Get Rid of Wasps 

There are many ways one can get rid of wasps. As wasps are so dangerous, if you seek help and have sensed or seen a wasps nest in your area, it is far better to resort to getting BPCA certified professional help or treatments. 


The first thing professional pest controller services will do in this situation provides an inspection. Doing so allows them to determine what they must do to provide you and your family or housemates with an effective plan to control the wasps so that you all do not get stung. 


Next, they will document to you the specifics are your situation. Pest control experts will relay to you their plan of action and any findings. They should schedule the following services they have available to assist you with the problem. You may receive some education on the behaviour, habitat, the foods or diet of wasps and how such information can affect the way you move forward in your plan as a homeowner. 


It would be best to modify the area surrounding your home or commercial property to reduce the number of sites suitable for wasps to nest in. Therefore, you must attempt to make it difficult for wasps to gain access to your home or company structure (closing doors, windows and other active visiting entrances, filling up or covering any holes in walls or the cavities, etc.)

4 .

Assure proper sanitation is happening inside and outside your home or site property. Unclean spaces that are untidy or consist of leftover waste and sweet foods attract wasps like magnets. Invest in lots of traps, light modifications, insecticidal or mechanical controls and, where possible, call for professional physical removal. Call to contact emergency business professional pest controllers if you find it difficult to cope or need immediate removal. 

If you suspect that you have a pest in your home or office, call Red Tail Pest Control today for a free, no-obligation quote.

Domestic Pest Control   Commercial Pest Control

If you want more information about wasp pest control in Stevenage, Hertfordshire or the surrounding area we can help. Get in touch with our pest control expert on 07807 429 843. Alternatively you can use our contact form to send an enquiry.